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The Artist - BernschererVFX

All you need to know about Stefan Bernscherer

While currently acting as interim Head of Department for the EnvGen at DNEG Montreal, Stefan Bernscherer has had a long career in VFX, with previous positions as Environment Supervisor, Lead environment artist, matte painter and compositor with a background in 3D.
Stefan is both a specialist and a versatile generalist, covering all aspects of post production needs, with roughly 11 years experience working as a NUKE compositor, 3D generalist and mattepainter with teaching and lead experience.
Stefan has worked on several tv-shows and feature films, ranging from Hollywood blockbusters to artistic independent films.
Before finding his way to DNEG Montreal Canada, Stefan has previously worked in several European countries, for companies like, Digital Domain, Framestore, Mr.X, Pixomondo, UPP, Axis, Ghost VFX, The Gentlemen Broncos.
Stefan has remarkable references and is described as a hardworking, highly skilled vfx artist, supervisor and HoD with a solid and very versatile background, giving him a rounded and in-depth understanding of all aspects of the post production pipeline.
As with all VFX, Stefans reel is updates regularly, however delays in productions and releases due to COVID-19 and the latest writers and actors strikes, have delayed shots otherwise released for his reel.
Having transitioned to supervisor and HoD roles, Stefans reel is no longer updated as frequently.

Supporting the industry through community networking, mentoring and teaching.

Stefan serves af the Section Chair on the Board of Managers of the Visual Effects Society (VES) Montréal section.

Stefan is passionate about ‘paying it forward’, teaching the next generation of vfx artists and has previously taught both primary and secondary school photography and multimedia production in Denmark, as well as Multimedia Animators at a danish Technical College.

Stefan was an in house trainer / mentor when working at Mr. X, Toronto, teaching projection setups, Nuke comp as well as problem solving.

Stefan is currently connected with Toronto Film School as a Matte Paint and Compositing Course Developer, and teaches an intro/intermediate mattepainting course and two advanced compositing courses. 
Look at the opportunities at Toronto Film School Online programs

Stefan is also associated with Mattepaint.com, creating tutorials and offering mentorships, making mattepaint-education available and affordable worldwide.
Look at Stefans tutorials at Mattepaint.com

Practical information

Stefan is available for both short and longterm projects, onsite as well as remote work, with the hard- and software needed for any and all postproduction needs.
Stefan has worked in several European countries as well as Canada.
Stefan is an EU resident, making him able to work freely in the EU and EEA, and currently holds a ‘canadian skilled worker’-workpermit, enabling him to work in Canada.
Stefan also offers worldwide independent contractor agreements, through his company Bernscherer VFX.